Gymnmast Listen To This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you know alot of gymnast have those tight six-pack abs. Those explosive biceps and leg muscles. The reason that they have all thos things is because they all do some type of special strength training In the following paragraph i will elaborate on this and kind of get you thos tight abs and big biceps your looking for.
Some of the excercises are v-ups,sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, single leg squats, pilates,Yoga
The wrist and shoulders are common places for over-use injuries, especially in the sport of gymnastics. It's important to strengthen these areas before injuries occur to help stay ahead of the game. It seems that too many athletes wait until an injury occurs to begin concentrating on these areas which begins a vicious snowball effect...the area becomes injured, the athlete tries to begin working on it again too soon, never gives the area a chance to fully heal, and then continues to injure the same area over and over. A little preventative strengthening before-hand can go along in helping avoid these potentially frustrating times. Wrist and Shoulder Strength
Here are some great exercises that can be done every day in a short amount of time. Most athletes just incorporate these exercises into their daily warm-up routine. Exercise 1
Step on a bungee cord or thera-band, keeping your elbow bent and forearm at 90 degrees. Adjust the tightness of the band appropriately and curl the band just using your wrist. Go up and down in as full a range of motion as possible, keeping tension in the band the entire time.
Exercise 2
This is the same as Exercise 1, but with the hand turned over. This concentrates on strengthening the muscles in the top of the forearm up to the wrist much more.
Exercise 3
The same two exercises as above can be done using a weight instead of a bungee cord or theraband. Try both to see which works best for you.
Exercise 4
These are pushups using only your wrists. In a pushup position, press up through the fingertips and then lower back down. In just starting out with this exercise, you may need to begin on your hands and knees until your wrists are strong enough to lift more of your body weight.
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Leg-ups Hang completely still from a bar. Keeping your legs straight, lift your toes to touch the bar. Lower your legs slowly back to a straight hang, being sure not to drop your legs too quickly, causing a swing. Repeat the exercise. If you have a bar that sticks out from the wall, this works well to prevent you from swinging.
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V-ups Start from laying down straight body on your back with your arms over your head. Lift your lower body and upper body at the same time, piking up and touching your toes with your hands. Lower back down and without touching your feet or shoulders to the ground, repeat the exercise.V-ups Start from laying down straight body on your back with your arms over your head. Lift your lower body and upper body at the same time, piking up and touching your toes with your hands. Lower back down and without touching your feet or shoulders to the ground, repeat the exercise.
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Tuck-ups Starting from a lying position, tuck your knees and lift your chest at the same time. Sit all the way up with your knees into your chest and then extend back to the lying down position. You can also return to a hollow position, so that your feet and shoulders never touch the ground while performing the tuck-up. This keeps the stomach muscles contracted the entire time, and is generally our preferred method of performing this exercise.
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The circuit we show below is intended to be used as a guide in assisting your leg conditioning. Obviously, everyone performs at a different level so you may find it necessary to modify the exercises, the reps, or the number of stations. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
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Frog Jumps (2 passes vaulting runway, or 3 passes floor ex diagonal) Bend down at your knees 90 degrees and leap forward. Shoulders should remain above hips as you bend down. During the leap, reach full extension in the legs and through the toes. Continue jumps across the vaulting runway or floor exercise.
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One-Leg Hurdles (2 passes vaulting runway, or 3 passes floor ex diagonal, on each leg) Down the vaulting runway, or floor exercise diagonal, leap on one leg. During the leap, reach rull extension in the supporting leg and through the foot. Strive for maximum amplitude on each leap. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
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![]() In place, jump rope for one minute. Jumps should be off the toes with NO intermittent bounce in-between.
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Box Jumps (25 reps) Punching off the toes, jump onto a stationary object, such as a block or stack of mats. The punch from the floor should have a minimal leg bend, utilizing more of calf muscle and reinforcing a quick punching reaction.
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